Saturday, February 28, 2009

It's a doosie.

They say that the first step is the hardest, well i don't think that is always true, sometimes the first step is made out of necessity. Or because you just cant stand what you are doing anymore, where you are in your life, so you make a step, apply to college, change jobs, because you are so put out of being where you are in life you have to make a change- but it is not hard because you are tired, exhausted by the status quo. By the time you are finished the last few steps are a breeze, you are DONE! School, moving on to a new job, leaving something behind, having accomplished something makes your steps lighter. The steps that are hard to manage are the ones that come in between, the everyday steps that make up life. Those are the doosies. Those are the hardest. To make yourself do the things such as go to school faithfully to get your degree, to go to work, these steps are the hardest. Once I decide to do something, i mean REALLY do something, am no longer waffling on it, I have no trouble with the first step, it is the second third and fourth that start to cause me problems.


dm said...

I think it's doozie or doozy? Anyway, I love you. I'll be back on Monday!

JoAnna said...

I looked it up, Urban dictionary says doosie.

Good, I am glad you will be back soon! Hope you are doin okay!

dm said...

see, I'd say that duicy, rhymes with Juicy. Far be it from me to contradict Urban Dictionary.

both ways.

JoAnna said...

Crikey! We are all right!:)