Friday, May 21, 2010

Haven't Been There or Done That.

There are several places within the continental US that I have always wanted to see but have never had the chance. While my parents moved us around a lot when I was growing up we pretty much stayed within Minnesota and Wisconsin. I have taken a few trips outside this fair state (Mn), but have still not been to all of the areas that I would like to see. I have been to Colorado, Maryland, and just north of Mn, in to Canada. So off the top of my head I have put together a small list of places I would like to see within the Continental United States, whether they are cities, landmarks, or just general areas.

1. The Grand Canyon
While this does strike me as a place that I will get to and take a million pictures of and then be like "okay, i have seen it" I know there will be so many other places in the area that will make the trip worth it, and I have always wanted to see it for myself.

2. Redwood Forests of California-
I have always had an interest in nature, if you don't know this about me, then you don't know everything about me. I would rather go on a hike in the woods than go out to a bar or restaurant. I grew up with a great love of rock climbing in Jay Cooke park, and as a child could never walk outside without picking up a rock to bring home for my collection. So the idea of walking through an old forest that dwarfs me, and just kind of gives you an idea of where you belong in the scope of the world and how amazing nature can be appeals to me.

3. Yellowstone National Park-
Ever since I was little my mother has been horrifying me with stories of their family trip to Yellowstone. That has not stopped me from wanted to go there. One of the things I find so appealing about Yellowstone was what I found so appealing about Colorado when I visited, it is so different from Mn, and from the landscape that I am used to. Even the green of the trees and grass is a different shade. The geology of the land and the beauty that it creates is something that has always pulled me to this area of the country.
4. New Orleans-
I have wanted to visit this city for about 10 years. My beignet craving alone should be enough to get me there some day.
This city is full of old buildings and history. I would love to visit it and go on the walking tours, the building tours, and driving tours around the old parts of the city.
6.Gettysburg National Park-
While i have been here before the trip was not near long enough to see everything I wanted to see and experience. The only thing I can compare what it felt like to be in the park and on some of the battlefields was the feeling I got when i stood next the the Vietnam Memorial Wall in Washington DC. It was an overwhelming sense of something that is so much bigger than you are, and truly understanding the scope of something for the first time with not just your mind but your entire being. The last time I went I didn't get a chance to do any tours as it was SO hot out. I would like to return if for no other reason than to wander to my hearts content.
7. Last, but not least on the list for today's blog, is the coast of Maine. I love the east coast. I think people who prefer the west coast are crazy. The east coast is beautiful, historic, and not on fire or slowly sinking into the ocean like California.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

In My Shoes

I have never seen a comic that so clearly describes what it is like to work in a bookstore as this one. The artist covers most topics that I have thought of all the way through the new Nook selling that is changing the definition of what booksellers have to do.