Friday, August 27, 2010

I Gots One!

So back in 2009 I wrote this post about how I really wanted a Nook, the new e reader from Barnes and Noble. Well I didn't know how I was ever going to afford one. At that time they were 259$. Then they dropped in price to 199$ and came out with a new Wi-Fi version for only 149$. This seemed more manageable... I could do this. I could save that much...maybe. Well one day it got to be too much. I just needed one. So, with some money I had saved, and some money I got from selling some movies and books to a used book store in my area (this almost cut the cost of my Nook in half) I was able to get one!

I love it! Reading on it is so smooth, I can carry so many books, buy books whenever I want to. If I suddenly think about a book I want I just buy it, or add it to my ewish list. I can't tell you the many times I was driving home late from school and I knew that the store was closed and I would want to stop and pick up a book, and now I don't have to!!!

I pre-ordered a book, and the morning it was released i got up and it was right there on my Nook, no getting up, getting dressed and trudging down to the bookstore to buy a copy. I feel treasonous as I write this, as I am a bookseller, but the convenience just cant be beat! Plus, my new cover makes it uber cute!*
*(cover shown above is my new cover)

Here I Go Again.

After a year off, I have returned to school. I have figured it out and if I take my regular 2 classes a semester I will graduate at the end of next fall's semester. It doesn't seem like it can come fast enough, but at the same time it seems like this part of my life (schooling) shouldn't really be done yet. I know right...YET! i have only been getting a four year degree for the last 7 years of my life, how long do I think I can make this last? However, this has become all I know now, and I have always hated change to my life.
This semester I am taking Shakespeare, and The Publishing and Commerce of Books, Yesterday and Today. The second on is online and I took it as my last elective, and so I wouldn't have to drive to the campus this semester:)
I am excited about my Shakespeare class, on the surface it looks pretty easy, 2 essays, one analytical, and one research. My two favorite kinds.
Next semester I am going to take my Capstone course, which is like your big, final, prove you have learned something in your disciple course, before they will let you graduate. My friend Julie is also an English major, and one of our favorite teachers is going to be teaching the Capstone next semester, we are so signing up for that class. Then I just have three of my required classes left and I will be finished.
At this point, it may change as i get into the semester, i just want to complete the work. I am not so concerned about doing everything perfectly anymore. Just keeping my gpa above the necessary line, but not killing myself is going to be my goal to start out!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Tastes of summer.

To me there are certain foods that mean summer to my taste buds. It is not that I can only eat them in summer, but they evoke memories of summers past and they just trigger summer memories.
A ripe watermelon, the perfect tomato, a juicy strawberry, a ripe peach, food off of the grill, potato salad, scotcharoos, lemonade, and homemade ice cream.
Like I said these things are not limited to just summer, though some are ripe in the summer, but some were served at summer picnics when I was young, family get togethers during summer, and summer birthdays. They have come to represent the taste of summer to me. The picture above is probably the best tomato I have ever tasted! I am sad that it is all gone.