Thursday, September 17, 2009


One of my favorite authors, Diana Gabaldon, is coming to town to do a signing and reading on October 1st. SO EXCITED!!!

Thursday, October 1st, 7:00 PM
Minneapolis, MN

B&N Roseville
2100 North Snelling Ave.
Roseville, MN 55113
Contact: Janet Waller,
*This will be a reading/signing.


I went out to get Chinese food tonight and I got several fortune cookies, so I thought i would share my fortunes with you all.

"An unexpected relationship will become permanent"
"Happier days are definitely ahead for you"
"Someone you care about seeks reconciliation"

Not bad, not bad at all.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


1. I use my parents as an excuse.
2. I have come to the conclusion that I will probably never get married or have children of my own.
3. I get sick of listening to myself whine, yet the whining itself never seems to get old?! Go figure...
4. I am scared that I am going to get CADASIL. Nothing scares me more than the thought of losing my mind like my dad is doing. Of losing myself.
5. This part of my life does not feel like part of the journey it feels more like the destination...sadly.
6. Sometimes I am afraid I am turning into a drama queen in order to get attention.
7. I really don't care too much for myself right now.
8. I don't know when I got as mean or as obnoxious as I am now.
9. I have only recently discovered that I am a jealous person.
10. I have recently discovered that I can hate and love someone at the same time.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Nice Doggy.

So a little while ago i went to the fair, and at the fair they have a pet building with dogs of all different breeds in it. I always had dogs growing up and always knew that when I got out on my own I was gonna get a dog (even though i am allergic to them) :( So I thought that when it came time to chose my own dog I would have to pick one that had hair instead of fur, plus I have always loved West Highland Terriers so that would not be that hard of a decision.

But at the fair there was these German Shorthaired Pointers and he was SO SOFT and so nice and so sweet i just fell in love with the breed. He was so pretty and his eyes were so happy to see everyone! Now I want one of these too!!! I have always preferred big dogs, but have always thought Westies were fun, they have big dog personalities in little bodies. But now I am torn! I have quite a while to make up my mind, and lets be honest I will probably adopt a mutt if I ever get a dog again. I love mutts:)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Fall Events

So now that I feel summer is over and fall has begun I have started to think of things that I want to do during Autumn. Here are some of the things I have come up with so far.
1.Go to the Minnesota Harvest apple orchard and gets some apples, some apple butter, oooh and some honey.
2.Go to the HUGE!!! Autumn Festival craft fair at Canterbury Park on November 12-15.
3.Find my way through Sever's Corn Maze in Shakopee.
4.Go on some hikes in the nearby area now that it will start to get cooler out.
5. Make a trip over to the "local" Betty's Pies in the fall for food and pie.
6. Go to the science museum to see the Titanic exhibit.
7. I haven't decided yet if I want to do a Halloween scare myself silly kinda of Soap Factory event or not but I will not rule it out yet.

Those are just a few of the ideas I have come up with so far that I thought would keep me busy until it gets too cold to play outdoors for extended periods of time:)

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Getting Around To It.

The following is a list of books and authors that I have always meant to read but have just never picked up for one reason or another. I know one day I will read them, i have sold them to plenty of people knowing I would be interested in these books. Yet, I have never taken the time or money to invest in reading them. So I am putting it down here hoping someone will keep me accountable for at least one of them, or tell me if you think one or another would be a waste of my precious money and time:) Or let me know if there is something awesome I have overlooked.
Everything Is Illuminated by Jonathan Safran Foer
The Book of Illusions by Paul Auster
The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver
The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood
The Name of the Rose by Umberto Eco
Paradise Lost by John Milton
Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
The Things They Carried by Tim O'Brien

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

September Already????

Where did the summer go. It seems like just yesterday I was celebrating the warmer weather and now it's September, the beginning of fall in my mind. Fall is my favorite time of the year, not too hot, not too cold. The changing leaves, the brisk winds and the moody skies. But a little part of me still mourns the passing of every summer, all the picnics that could have gotten planned that didn't, all the watermelon and corn on the cob that could have been passed around the picnic table from one friend to the next will have to wait for next year. It is now on to the season of sweaters, long pants, warm drinks, and soon it will be time for Thanksgiving.