Tuesday, September 15, 2009


1. I use my parents as an excuse.
2. I have come to the conclusion that I will probably never get married or have children of my own.
3. I get sick of listening to myself whine, yet the whining itself never seems to get old?! Go figure...
4. I am scared that I am going to get CADASIL. Nothing scares me more than the thought of losing my mind like my dad is doing. Of losing myself.
5. This part of my life does not feel like part of the journey it feels more like the destination...sadly.
6. Sometimes I am afraid I am turning into a drama queen in order to get attention.
7. I really don't care too much for myself right now.
8. I don't know when I got as mean or as obnoxious as I am now.
9. I have only recently discovered that I am a jealous person.
10. I have recently discovered that I can hate and love someone at the same time.


dm said...

1. We know.
2. This is not true.
3. Whining as venting is an important exercise in self-preservation.
4. I'm scared of losing you to your fears.
5. It is only the destination if you let it be so.
6. I don't think I know anyone less dramatic. You want drama queens? Come visit my 8th grade second hour.
7. I do though.
8. I wonder if you're just picking on someone else, or if you're just imagining it.
9. We all are. Anyone who says otherwise is lying through their teeth.
10. Love is often obligatory, making it easy to hate the person for obliging you to love them.

thisisbeth said...

Re #2: Let's take a world cruise upon our retirement, since we won't have things like children and grandchildren to keep us home. Growing old doesn't mean you have to spend ALL your time on the front porch yelling at kids to get off your lawn!

(You are a wonderful person, by the way. I think many things on this list apply to a lot of people--I know many of them apply to me, too.)

ChicKris said...

All of what Dawn said, I concur with.

Additionally; I think #1 may be related to #2.
3. Our occasional whine sessions are helpful, so that better not stop.
5. I understand that feeling, like this is it, that's all folks and that thought is really frustrating and saddening because you want more. I think it has to do with the fact that I can look back on my past and I can live in the now and near future, but when it comes to "the future" I can fantasize about what and where I want to be, but because it is so unsure, I cannot substantially picture it and think "Yes, I'm going to be there".
8. I don't think you are mean or obnoxious. I think you are a kind, thoughtful and fun person who is stuck in a situation that is not the greatest. I think you are frustrated with the things on this list and you're expressing it in an alternative way.
9. Welcome to the club, your t-shirt will arrive in 3-5 business days.
10. see #9.

I also think you are an amazingly strong person and should be proud of everything you have done. Not to mention you are an awesome friend :)

~Jess said...

I also agree with Dawn. And to copy her format:

1. Probably you need an excuse and that is just the handiest one. Doesn't necessarily mean anything negative.

2. Dude, you totally yoinked my internal self-pity party. Do you want a Russian? I could get you a Russian. You're better off without one...

3. I believe this is a universal feeling amongst people who are capable of self-discovery.

4. Are you still set on not getting the test?

5. Well it is only the destination if you stop there. And stay there. I think it's more like a forced layover in O'Hare. It feels like forever, and that you'll be camping next to the bathrooms and brushing the dinosaur's teeth for the rest of your life, but afterwards you feel like it was just the blink of an eye. Remember to bring a Nintendo DS. It helps pass the time, and starts conversations with random strangers.

6. Drama queen? You need to try LOTS HARDER if you ever want that title. I can't even remember a situation in which that would apply to you at all. In fact, I think you should try harder. Maybe you would like being a drama queen. You won't know until you really give it your full effort. Have a freakin' hissy fit for no good reason. It might be fun.

7. Also universal (non-constantly) amongst the people with the smarts upstairs. And lacking a dose of egotism and narcissism, which you are (good thing).

8. You can be mean and obnoxious? I WANT to see you mean and obnoxious. Why are you hiding this fun stuff from me?

9. See, now this is interesting. I think you should be a drama queen and elaborate to unnecessary extents. Make sure you add some nice mean jabs in there at someone. Not that I am curious or anything. - ? -

10. Yeah. Sucks ass, doesn't it?

Go on the cruise with Beth now, don't wait until you retire! I'd go with, but I can't swim. Me sink.

I think all that mushy sentimental stuff the others said too, but I am too emotionally repressed to say most of it. Let's get ICE CREAM!