Wednesday, September 2, 2009

September Already????

Where did the summer go. It seems like just yesterday I was celebrating the warmer weather and now it's September, the beginning of fall in my mind. Fall is my favorite time of the year, not too hot, not too cold. The changing leaves, the brisk winds and the moody skies. But a little part of me still mourns the passing of every summer, all the picnics that could have gotten planned that didn't, all the watermelon and corn on the cob that could have been passed around the picnic table from one friend to the next will have to wait for next year. It is now on to the season of sweaters, long pants, warm drinks, and soon it will be time for Thanksgiving.


ChicKris said...

I feel the same way; it's an awesome season and yet, I can't wait for next summer - so we can hit the Fair again :)

But you are totally right; warm clothes (like a new Wild hoodie :D), warm drinks (hot cocoa and pumpkin lattes), pretty nature and, let's not forget, pumpkin and zucchini breads (maybe even with chocolate chips)!

dm said...

I hate thanksgiving. And hoodies.