Sunday, May 31, 2009


This song has been in my head for about 2 WEEKS! Sing along you know you want to;)

Along with this one...

Friday, May 15, 2009

Wild Beast

So the other night i was driving home minding my own business when out of nowhere this wild creature tried to cause me to drive into the ditch. I know what you are thinking Raccoon? Deer? No, no my friends this was something much more horrifying. This was a HUGE spider IN MY CAR!! I know! GASP! (right?) I was just driving along when suddenly illuminated in the lights of the car behind me I could see this huge spider crawling across my windshield, ON THE INSIDE!! My first urge was to squish it before it could crawl on me, but i soon realized, as i reached to do just this, that it would then cause me to swerve severely into the ditch, especially when i would miss hitting him and freak out. So i then had to wrestle with, "do I pull over and kill him because I know where he is", "do i wait until the next stoplight (pretty far away)", or do I "just hope he will crawl out of my car TONIGHT on his own"? I decided to keep driving and keep an eye out for him and make sure he didn't pull any sneaky spider tricks. When I got on my road. I stopped in the middle of the road, turned on my dome light and found the wee...ah I mean HUGE!!! Beast and smushed him with the first available thing that was not my hand. Or my purse. Or my phone. Okay so i looked around a bit and found a piece of paper, but whatever he was dead! And my car was once again safe to travel in! Seriously he was about the size of a quarter. UGH!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

9-1- what?

I don't get this sign, it is on the outside of the cabinet that holds the containers of Blue Rhino Natural Gas. If you look in the lower right hand part of the sign you will see an emergency number, however what I don't understand is if you are at home and have an emergency (def.-a sudden unforeseen crisis (usually involving danger) that requires immediate action) involving said Blue Rhino Gas Containers You would -A) need to call the store to go and read the number to you so you could then call the "emergency" number. B) Go to the store to get the number to call during the emergency. Or perhaps the emergency happens to the cabinet full of Gas Containers, which would in fact leave you without an "emergency" number when the cabinet itself blows all to hell. ??

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Oh Brother!

I am the youngest sibling out of 2 children, the baby, the last ditch effort to get it right;). I have an older brother who is 1 1/2 years older than me and who, until we were around the age of 8 and 9, were each others best friends, playmates, and confidants. Then we moved to a new town and the world of hanging out with gangs of friends and picking on your brother and sister began. My Brother kinda has the opposite personality of me, but with the same sense of humor. He is really laid back where as I worry too much about everything.
He lives to yank my chain, and push just the right button to set me off on a verbal tirade the likes of which few outside of my family have ever seen, and which end up with him laughing himself silly, me turning bright red, hitting him, and walking away in a huff. The only other person in the world with this ability was my father. My brother is one of the few people in the world that I am more protective of than I am of myself, he is a foot and a half taller than me, and my older brother, but when push comes to shove I have the louder mouth:) Bottom line, when they were passing out brothers I got really lucky.

Even if he doesn't do what I tell him to, or believe everything I say:)

P.S. We had a Mother's Day/Birthday Party for my Grandma, Isn't she Cute!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Pandas Rock

Had to share this it made me laugh first thing this morning:)

Thursday, May 7, 2009