Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Not Quite A Year Down

But only one more to go and even further from my goals than last year:(

On Valentines Day last year I wrote a Blog about my goals for the next two years. Looking back I thought I would have achieved or be a little closer to one or two of the goals.
Not so much.
I also thought some of the goals may no longer apply anymore. It has been almost a year, maybe something I wanted then I might not want any longer.
Not so much.
I have committed quite a bit of time to working on one of the goals at the cost of goal #1. Goal #1, in case you didn't follow the link, is to graduate college. I have stopped school for the moment to focus on the more pressing need of focusing on goal #7 (spend more time being happy with myself as a person). This is a trickier goal than I thought when I originally wrote it down. Just when I think I have part of it mastered it comes back around and trips me up with some new lack of confidence, or self esteem issue I never realized existed.
#6 (lose more weight) was well in hand at the time that I wrote these goals but shortly after I spun out of control and have had a horrible time gaining control again. It is like I have been slowly turning back into the person I used to be when I first started working at the barne. Someone with little self worth, self motivation, self esteem, and all she can find comfort in in her life is what she eats. I know I have come too far to return to that unhappy girl, but it is like I see it happening and am unable to stop it.
Where do I go from here? I have from November to February. The rest of my first year to turn some of these goals around. I am going to start with working on goals #6, and #7. I am also going to focus on saving some of every paycheck into one of my accounts as I have been spending in order to distract myself from how I feel.
We will see what four months brings.
Wish me luck.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

There Will Be Snow

When I was in grade school, one of the things we did in gym class in the winter time, while snow covered the ground, was to go snowshoeing. It would get us outside and allowed us to try something that not many kids got to try. I always enjoyed snowshoeing more than any of the other winter sports they made us play (except broom ball). Skiing was never really my thing, I didn't have the balance for it, downhill was never really an option as I had trouble staying upright. Cross country I didn't mind but I found it awkward to have something so long attached to my feet. With snowshoeing, you have the ability to walk, run and the ability to walk in the snow where your boots would normally not allow you to go.
So, I finally bit the bullet and invested in some snowshoes this year. They are easy to take on and off which was a must as per my gracefulness, and there is no upkeep. None. Nada. I thought that was a nice bonus. They can be used with any boot, so there is no extra equipment to buy, just the snowshoes. Now all I need is a cute warm hat and I am all set! Oh, and the snow.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

National Novel Writing Month

November is National Novel Writing Month and some people at work have joined this craziness for the last couple of years. Basically the rules are that you have to start of novel from scratch that is 50,000 words in a months time. You have from the first of November until midnight on November 30th.
I have never really felt the need, nor really had the time to devote to join them in their writing pursuits. However this year I have decided to join, in my own way, as I am not in school this semester and have had something chewing at me wanting to be put on paper.
I will be writing something but it will not be a novel, or any work of fiction. Novels take more imagination than I can summon right now. We will see how it goes, even if I get some of it down I will be happy.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


I am addicted to this game for my Nintendo DS!

Monday, October 5, 2009

One is the Loneliest Number

I used to like being alone. Taking walks by myself, going shopping by myself, running errands alone, but now I have trouble being by myself. I don't like doing it! If I want to do something I find myself trying to think of someone that I can invite to come with, someone to partake in the activity with me (it usually doesn't work, because everyone is usually busy when i am not). Yet, I wonder when I started to not like my own company? I have always been somewhat of a people person. I like hanging around with people, but have always needed time by myself to recharge, alone time to recoup my thoughts, and energy after hanging out in a group. Now whenever I am going someplace as simple as target, or even Walgreens I try to tempt someone in to coming with me!