Monday, October 5, 2009

One is the Loneliest Number

I used to like being alone. Taking walks by myself, going shopping by myself, running errands alone, but now I have trouble being by myself. I don't like doing it! If I want to do something I find myself trying to think of someone that I can invite to come with, someone to partake in the activity with me (it usually doesn't work, because everyone is usually busy when i am not). Yet, I wonder when I started to not like my own company? I have always been somewhat of a people person. I like hanging around with people, but have always needed time by myself to recharge, alone time to recoup my thoughts, and energy after hanging out in a group. Now whenever I am going someplace as simple as target, or even Walgreens I try to tempt someone in to coming with me!

1 comment:

~Jess said...

You should call me more, then ;0) I need to get out of the house more often than I do or I am going to go crazy and paint people beige while they are sleeping.