Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Not Quite A Year Down

But only one more to go and even further from my goals than last year:(

On Valentines Day last year I wrote a Blog about my goals for the next two years. Looking back I thought I would have achieved or be a little closer to one or two of the goals.
Not so much.
I also thought some of the goals may no longer apply anymore. It has been almost a year, maybe something I wanted then I might not want any longer.
Not so much.
I have committed quite a bit of time to working on one of the goals at the cost of goal #1. Goal #1, in case you didn't follow the link, is to graduate college. I have stopped school for the moment to focus on the more pressing need of focusing on goal #7 (spend more time being happy with myself as a person). This is a trickier goal than I thought when I originally wrote it down. Just when I think I have part of it mastered it comes back around and trips me up with some new lack of confidence, or self esteem issue I never realized existed.
#6 (lose more weight) was well in hand at the time that I wrote these goals but shortly after I spun out of control and have had a horrible time gaining control again. It is like I have been slowly turning back into the person I used to be when I first started working at the barne. Someone with little self worth, self motivation, self esteem, and all she can find comfort in in her life is what she eats. I know I have come too far to return to that unhappy girl, but it is like I see it happening and am unable to stop it.
Where do I go from here? I have from November to February. The rest of my first year to turn some of these goals around. I am going to start with working on goals #6, and #7. I am also going to focus on saving some of every paycheck into one of my accounts as I have been spending in order to distract myself from how I feel.
We will see what four months brings.
Wish me luck.


~Jess said...

Good luck!

ChicKris said...

Let me know if there is anything I can do to help.

I'm with you on #6; we should work out together again, that was fun the couple of times we did :)

dm said...

I lubs you.

thisisbeth said...

Good luck! We're here to cheer you on.