Sunday, November 8, 2009

Fall Events Check Off

So with the approach of Thanksgiving and Christmas things always seem to get a little hectic, and I wanted to take a moment and look back at my list of fall outings and see how many I actually got done.

1.Go to the Minnesota Harvest apple orchard and gets some apples, some apple butter, oooh and some honey.
2.Go to the HUGE!!! Autumn Festival craft fair at Canterbury Park on November 12-15. (this one I am going to on Thursday and am super excited for!)
3.Find my way through Sever's Corn Maze in Shakopee.
4.Go on some hikes in the nearby area now that it will start to get cooler out.
5. Make a trip over to the "local" Betty's Pies in the fall for food and pie.
6. Go to the science museum to see the Titanic exhibit.
7. I haven't decided yet if I want to do a Halloween scare myself silly kinda of Soap Factory event or not but I will not rule it out yet. ( this one I decided I didn't want to do).

So I did half of them so far. I don't know if I will get the hiking in. Betty's pie changes their hours for the winter, so I will have to do some investigating into that, but I would like to get back there soon. As for the Titanic exhibit, that runs through January and I would like to save that for some weekend when it is a little colder out and not as nice to be hanging around outside. I will be extremely disappointed if I don't get out to see it.


~Jess said...

You're into Titanic stuff? I did not know that.

ChicKris said...

Still totally down for the Betty's Pies and Titanic Exhibit!

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