Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Bah Humbug!

So I was really excited about Christmas about a month ago. Ya know, in October when we had those days of snow, and cold. I was completely ready for the holidays, excited to go Christmas shopping, get together with friends and family, listen to Christmas music, and see all of the decorations. Now, however, since the weather has become nice and the sun has returned…I am not so much in the Christmas mood anymore. In fact I can’t imagine that now that fall finally got here that we are supposed to just rush through it to the Christmas season! I vote more fall!


~Jess said...

I have to admit I regret the decision to draw names amongst the group this year. Now it is looking like we will do the same at my work and maybe even within my immediate family. While I am now fully recongizing that I did buy for too many people and spent way too much, going from buying for thirty or forty people to...four??? not cool. Buying presents for other people is the only part of the holidays I enjoy.

dm said...

I vote question mark on your blog title.