Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Uh oh!

Okay I am not happy with the blogger upgrade, and because of this new upgrade you are all going to suffer. Unless I am wrong, there is no freakin spell check! Now, I am a horrible speller and tend to just get worse when i am typing fast. Letters get left out, transposed...you get the idea. So because of this over sight on Bloggers part we shall all have to suffer. I mean now I can access all sorts of fancy things with the click of my mouse (pretty sure I could before too) I can strikethrough  change the size and the font depending on how i feel ;P be bold or slanted, but I just cant spell things correctly.

1 comment:

thisisbeth said...

Heh, if people pay attention, they probably can tell which of my blog posts I write at home (where there is spellcheck on the internet) and at work (where there is not). If I'm writing a longer post at work, I sometimes write it in Word (where there's spellcheck) and copy it over. Short posts are up to the reader to figure out my typos and mispellings. (That's what synomyms are for: if you can't figure out how to spell a word, change it to something you do know how to spell!)