Friday, November 20, 2009

I Can't Be The Only One!?

Please tell me I am not alone when I say that every year I buy myself a Christmas present from me-to me. I mean here I am out in all the stores, sales galore are going on, shiny things abound and prices are slashed for the holiday shopper! How can I not get myself the one thing (or two or three) that I know I will love getting for the holiday season? I know, I know, Christmas is not about gifts it is about the meaning behind the holiday. Jesus’ birth, the feeling of being with loved ones, giving to those who have little…BUT! Yeah, I don't have a reasonable explanation... I just like stuff, and I know it is horrible! I know I have so much more stuff than I need, so much more than a lot of other people. Yet, every Christmas I just see something and I am like “oooh, it was so nice of me to buy this for me! I shouldn’t have, but I did!” So tell me, am I really in a minority here? Do you buy yourself Christmas presents, Hanukkah presents, birthday presents, etc for yourself? Cause I sure do!

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