Monday, August 31, 2009

Fair Season.

I am so excited. It is time for the Minnesota State Fair. Our State fair is quite large compared to some other state fairs and I have gone every year of my life except the first year. It is not just the fair itself that is so exciting to me, but what it represents for me. It has always been a part of my life as far as I can remember, something to look forward to as a family tradition. It means fun, family, togetherness, gooey tasty food, and a fun end of summer family event before school started. The fair is imprinted as a place where only good times, and happiness has occurred in my life, that is what the state fair represents to me.

1 comment:

ChicKris said...

Thank you SOOOOO much for taking me to the Fair! That was one of the funnest days I have had. Want to know something ridiculous? I am now craving fair food...I want to go back and get a tummy ache from cookies again AND get that walking stick :D