Friday, August 7, 2009

The Tripping Point

I am not the most graceful person you will ever meet, but i am also not the most clumsy. However, the other day I fell, on my face! I was basically standing there then I moved one foot and my ankle gave way and I fell to my knees, caught myself on my hands (and my camera, boo!), and finally stopped my fall with my face and my sunglasses (may they rest in peace, they did not make it through this ordeal). After a little screeching, some dusting off, and checking for injuries, I found i had totalled my sunglasses, scraped my camera, scraped my hands and knees, hurt my bad ankle, racked up my knee a little and my arms have been sore ever face however came away without a scratch:)
This is what I "tripped" on... where the path is all jagged is where my ankle twisted.
This picture I actually took when I was falling! I have skills!!!! This is the ground and my shirt:)

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