Tuesday, August 4, 2009

New Neighbors

So, at the same time we were moving in, there was a cre...I mean a man moving into the same area of the building that we were moving into. No biggy. We can share the elevator, well we would have, had we moved at the same time of day, but this man decided that he wanted to move in, in the middle of the NIGHT! So, he was unloading his car in our parking lot courtyard, into a shopping cart, and running the cart back across the parking lot (insert sound effect of cart going back and forth across parking lot in the broken stillness of the night)until 3 am! Never mind the poor people who live right by the door that he must have repeatedly slammed. He did this from about 10pm to 3 am one night. The next night at around 1030 we heard to dulcet tones of the cart clanking across the concrete again and proceeded to yell at him out the window. (we just asked if he was planning to move again all night) He said that he was on his last load, it was totally his first for the day/night! From then on we started calling him the creep, as he creeps around doing strange things at night.
He looks like he is in his mid thirties, and fairly successful at whatever it is he does (besides creep), leaves in his expensive car for some sort of work everyday in a suit. Very fraternity stereotype kind of image here.
The next day we came upstairs to move things to the new apartment and the hallway was full of empty boxes outside of the creeps apartment!! WTF?! Now I live in an "adult" building which in my town translates to mostly seniors who have canes, walkers and wheelchairs. You cant go around blocking hallways in this building let alone creating such a mess! (creep). Then the next night the creep was sitting in the party room wrapped up in a blanket on the couch watching tv like he was in a dorm house(our party room lies between our apartments and you walk through it as if it is part of the hall when it is not being used).
And finally last night when I was coming home I walked past his apartment, most people have decorations such as wreaths, signs, etc outside of their doors to decorate their doorways. When I came past his door he had put a Vikings schedule poster on the outside of his door! Number one, like we all care??, number 2 this is not a dorm room, I mean come on A POSTER!!!, and number 3 wow the depth of this person...a vikings poster...that's what he wants people to know about him. Deep.

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