Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Tastes of summer.

To me there are certain foods that mean summer to my taste buds. It is not that I can only eat them in summer, but they evoke memories of summers past and they just trigger summer memories.
A ripe watermelon, the perfect tomato, a juicy strawberry, a ripe peach, food off of the grill, potato salad, scotcharoos, lemonade, and homemade ice cream.
Like I said these things are not limited to just summer, though some are ripe in the summer, but some were served at summer picnics when I was young, family get togethers during summer, and summer birthdays. They have come to represent the taste of summer to me. The picture above is probably the best tomato I have ever tasted! I am sad that it is all gone.

1 comment:

dm said...

I wish my tomatoes would turn red! We'll dine on them forever!