Monday, July 26, 2010

Devil Of A Car.

The other day was just kind of a mess. It was the Tuesday that my dad ended up in the hospital. I woke up with the whole day in front of me and nothing much to do except clean out my car (inside and out) hardcore. Then at about 730 am my mom comes rushing into my room with a horrible look on her face telling me that she needed help, dad had fallen again.
Thus started the trip to the hospital that lasted until about 130 I believe. You can read about that here.
After we got back home, I still felt I had plenty of time to clean out my car and shouldn't really waste the rest of the day. So, I changed clothes and took off to the closest Holiday station that had both a car wash and a vacuum. I was just about done vacuuming out my car (including the back-i have a wagon) and I had shut the doors and the back hatch when I heard all the locks repeatedly lock -click click click click click! Now, this had been happening on and off for a couple of weeks but never on it's own like this. It was always triggered by me pushing the button inside the car or hitting the button on my key fob. This time it went off and locked itself with my keys, purse, and phone inside of it!
After cursing at the car for a while, I went into the Holiday station and used their phone to call my mom to bring me my extra keys. After my mom stopped laughing at me...she looked around and couldn't find my keys. I told her to just come and get me and i would look for my keys at home. As soon as I got back in to the apartment I remembered where my extra keys were! They were in my PURSE! In my CAR! Not helpful. So then I had to call AAA (thanks Jess!). I called them and they asked me for my AAA member number! I told them it was in my PURSE! Which was in my CAR! They said that was okay and looked me up using my name and came 30 minutes later and unlocked my possessed car.
So, my chore that should not have taken very long took about 2 hours longer, but boy my car is clean.

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