Thursday, July 8, 2010

Old Books vs. Library Books- According To Me

So the other day my friend was teasing me about not knowing what a library was (it was more involved than that, but would take too long for me to explain for the purposes of this blog). I told him, I don't like libraries too much, because people have read the books before me, putting all their germs and weird stuff on the books. It just kinds creeps me out. It comes down to too many people touching the book, reading it, dripping who knows what on it. I mean, who knows what that stain is on page 137? It looks like chocolate ice cream, or is it blood!? So, I just don't use my library card unless it is for research or something like that. However, not long after I stated my opinion about library books to my friend I got to thinking about old books. I like old books BECAUSE they have been owned and read by other people. They have a history to them that I enjoy holding in my hand, and being able to own and be a part of. Later someone else will own these old[er] books and I will have been a part of these books history. What can I say, another area where my reasoning makes no sense.

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