Friday, July 16, 2010

Yes, I Went to IKEA Without You...

So, last weekend I woke up and decided I needed a desk. When I sit with my computer on my lap while I am in bed I always end up with a really sore neck. So, that morning I went on to the IKEA website and found a desk that had the dimensions that would fit in my room. Then by putting a desk in my room I had misplaced the bookcase of DVDs. So I needed to buy a more efficient bookcase to store some books and the DVDs. I set off to IKEA and came home with these. The first picture is of the area before-
Then this is the area with the new desk in it! Isn't it puurrdddy?!
Then to solve the homeless dvd and book problem we have the massively tall skinny bookshelf!

It has taken a little adjusting to get used to this shelf, sometimes i see it out of the corner of my eye, and because it it taller than me i think it is a person...Don't laugh;)


dm said...

This title is totally directed at me, isn't it?

Maya N. said...

Jo, bookshelves are people too. Remember that so it doesn't you know cry your books and DVD's all over the floor.

JoAnna said...

@ Dawn- Yeah, dont you feel special:)

@ maya that would be bad, these are my older books and it would make me sad if they got hurt.