Friday, August 27, 2010

Here I Go Again.

After a year off, I have returned to school. I have figured it out and if I take my regular 2 classes a semester I will graduate at the end of next fall's semester. It doesn't seem like it can come fast enough, but at the same time it seems like this part of my life (schooling) shouldn't really be done yet. I know right...YET! i have only been getting a four year degree for the last 7 years of my life, how long do I think I can make this last? However, this has become all I know now, and I have always hated change to my life.
This semester I am taking Shakespeare, and The Publishing and Commerce of Books, Yesterday and Today. The second on is online and I took it as my last elective, and so I wouldn't have to drive to the campus this semester:)
I am excited about my Shakespeare class, on the surface it looks pretty easy, 2 essays, one analytical, and one research. My two favorite kinds.
Next semester I am going to take my Capstone course, which is like your big, final, prove you have learned something in your disciple course, before they will let you graduate. My friend Julie is also an English major, and one of our favorite teachers is going to be teaching the Capstone next semester, we are so signing up for that class. Then I just have three of my required classes left and I will be finished.
At this point, it may change as i get into the semester, i just want to complete the work. I am not so concerned about doing everything perfectly anymore. Just keeping my gpa above the necessary line, but not killing myself is going to be my goal to start out!


dm said...

Too bad your school doesn't look like that! Where is that?

JoAnna said...

If the website is right, it is somewhere in Asia. That's all it said.

I like to pretend it is my house tho:)