Friday, February 20, 2009

All brokey?

So, i realized what with returning to work soon, I would have to buy a new car in the next WEEK! Mostly because I was ignoring the fact that my old car needed to be fixed. It has been sitting in the parking lot for about a month, with various things wrong with it at various times until I got so pissed at it I finally parked it, got out and yelled "fine" and walked away with my hands thrown up in the air. So it had been there ever since, and anytime someone asked me what was wrong with my car, i would say "I don't know", give them it's symptoms, or just get really cranky...piece of shit car.
Well this week when I realized I would have to get a new car soon my mom got on my case about fixing the old one...grrrr. I didn't care anymore. I live in the FUTURE!! (yeah right). In reality, i am just so over dealing with certain parts of reality. That is what I think the problem was. So, my mom decided that this day, as I was so over whelmed by everything, she and my aunt would do some of my errands instead of the usual of me doing hers. So she went down and (we have a auto garage RIGHT IN OUR FREAKIN PARKING LOT, which shows you how much i really didn't care about fixing my car) gave them my keys, and asked them to look over my car.
Dave the car mechanic called, I have a leak in my power steering fluid pump. Makes driving more difficult, and pretty lights flash on your dashboard. So, he was a tad worried because he couldn't get the part until the next day...I laughed hysterically and told poor Dave the car mechanic, who thinks I am a loony, that the dumb car has been sitting broken in the parking lot for a month, one more day will not hurt anyone. Dave the car mechanic was relieved. I could tell. I have to "pick up" (move my car from one parking space to another, and pay for) my car later today. So excited.


dm said...

Is it goign to be expensive?

JoAnna said...

Um, probably about $350. Dumb car wasnt costing me a cent when I was leaving it sit in the parking lot. I was even getting great gas milage:)

~Jess said...

Are you going to try to trade him in, or sell him yourself if you find a new car you like?

JoAnna said...

depends I guess.