Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The places where I used to live.

I have grown up in many different homes, I call them homes because that is what they felt like. The boxes were not always unpacked before we moved again. We may never have fully settled in, but that is not what made it a home. I have had two places that i truly put down roots, that we stayed long enough in my childhood that I became attached to the actual places if not the people. This is one of them in picture, because I love me some pictures. This was the view of Lake Superior from our front yard.
This was the beach right in front of our house, if the photographer turned 45 degrees they would be looking right at our house not 25 yards away.

Sunset again in front of the house. That is the point that me and my brother and our friends defied death and parents by climbing around.

Some of you may remember the blog I wrote on multiply about my parents, and berry picking with my mother. The location of the blackberry patch has always haunted me with its beauty. I found a picture for you, the sugar maple tree in fall, the lake off in the far distance, and right underneath the maple was the blackberries. It felt like you were the only people in the world. This place haunts me to this day. Even without this picture I can still see it clearly in my mind.


~Jess said...

Do you want to go back there someday? We could take a day trip.

I also want to go to Anoka where that nice man with the bookshop at the know, the one we met YEARS ago...has his real shop.

JoAnna said...

I dont know, I used to think i would want to go back there, but it would be a LONG day trip.

Anoka book shop we should def. go to.