Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Thoughts-warning some are downers.

1. If you are feeling down or cranky drawing pictures on your MagnaDoolde of your friends doing something they enjoy will make you giggle and lift your spirits.(I took pictures of the finished products, might show you one day)
2. Do not use your MagnaDoodle too close to your computer, these two activities do not mix well.
3. I had a dream last night, and you were there, and you were there, and you were...all of my friends were in it in one manifestation or another...I know this dream means something is bugging me, stupid subconscious.
4. I keep trying to get up the wherewithal to delete my facebook account, it is why I haven't posted any status updates the last few days. I pretty much just use it to stalk my real friends.
5. I am almost done with school and my desire to quit has never been stronger.
6. I think they should stop selling spongebob and dora toys and bring back rainbow bright and smurf figurines in target stores. i don't know about you but I would buy them for all of my friends.
7. Actually buying something from scares me. Same with Ebay.
8. I can only think of one thing to actually ask for for my birthday. The only other thing I would never actually get and is kinda weird and embarrassing to ask for. (plus it makes me cry so there.)

Those are just some of the thought i have in my crazy brain this morning, some weird, some strange, some grounded in fact, some I know are groundless and just how I feel.


dm said...

I'd cry if you deleted your facebook.

Anonymous said...

Me too.

If I had a heart....or a soul, I mean.

~Jess said...


1. I am TOTALLY playing with a travel sized MagnaDoodle right now. I really need to be working.

2. Dare I ask what the one (or two) items were you wanted for your birthday?

3. You lie, there are two people who already commented on this ;0)

4. Facebook...yeah. But it is the only way to get responses from half the people I know. And one day Turk will get with the program and we will finally have one place for invites to various things.

~Jess said...

And why are you posting things at 5:30 am?

JoAnna said...

I want my mommy to buy me a mp3 player with a video screen.

and the time is off on my blog. I cant get it to fix itself!

dm said...

oh Jo.

time zone > GMT -06:00 Central Time

JoAnna said...

YEA! Time problem fixed! Thanks Dawn!

dm said...

I like that you couldn't even just click around and find it on your own :)

Tomorrow's my birthday and I won't see you. That makes me kind of sad. Almost like the year Nick didn't even CALL me.

JoAnna said...

Was that a hint? :)

dm said...

Ha. No it wasn't a hint. More a dig at Nick that he'll probably never see.

Anonymous said...

1. Me three :(

2. One of these days I will get my butt in gear and start a blog...however I doubt it will be as popular as yours :)

JoAnna said...

Hee kris, that's funny because I told jess I didnt feel "popular" enough and she needed to come comment:)

dm said...

I used to be popular on my blog, not so much anymore.

JoAnna said...

what? you have like 8 or 9 people reading your blog!

dm said...

I used to have a lot more, and non of them comment anymore :)