Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I was bored, and I have a cool pink camera so shut it.

My exciting (not) travels to school and back. (In pictorial!)

I left for school at noon! Oooooo! takes about an hour to get there in good weather, let alone sloppy so I was taking a chance.
Right out of chaska I got stuck behind a truck from a Mushroom farm, don't see one of those everyday. I thought of you dawn:)
Popped in my newest mixed tape from Scott. Hadn't listened to it yet, so far so good. This is my advertisement for Honda, maybe they will give me a free car.

I stopped on the way to get some lunch, got me some panera (sp?). You cant see the cookie pictured here because I had eated it. So at this point I was kinda pushing it as to whether or not I was going to make campus on time...

I knew you were all worried, holding your breath and all, but I made it. With about 7 minutes to spare. I am sitting at a stoplight here. (no unnecessary risks were taken in the capturing of these images).

Then I had to park and walk in quick like as not to be late to only my third class, not a good thing really, plus when you are late all the "cool" seats are taken and you end up sitting next to the mouth breathers.
About 3/4 of the way through our class my teacher was going to show a movie and he hit the button to start the movie and the lights went out...on half of campus. This is what our room looked like. We were in the basement, no window, no emergency lights in our room. We had to pack up our stuff by cell phone light. ( in the interest of full disclosure, i didn't take a picture of THE DARKNESS, I forgot, and took a picture of my black pants just to give you guys the idea)
So, I got out of class a little early.

And headed out.

Exciting. I know, I know.
You are probably thinking, wow she had all that extra time, she probably got some of that homework she is always bitching about done. Nope. I am sorry to say I did not.


Anonymous said...

I found that bizarrely entertaining.

And I was wondering if that was a picture of "the darkness."

What kind of cookie was it that you voraciously shoveled into your maw before you had your sammich?

JoAnna said...

um, it was a darkish brown cookie that was chocolaty.

Anonymous said...

Ooooh. Interesting.

Anonymous said...

Was cookie consumption done in a patient and refined manner or more a la cookie monster's mouth shove "aaaaahhhhhm nomnomnomnomnom" and a hurricane of crumbs?

dm said...

I immediately thought of the pictures of the darkness.

I love photo documentation. And your cool pink camera.

now I'm hungry, but noPanera for my poor self. I shall go have something though...

dm said...

hey1 look at you bein' all link-y!

JoAnna said...

it was a break off a piece and shove into my already full of cookie mouth type of consumption.