Tuesday, February 3, 2009

HALT-and failing quite miserably.

My mother has hung signs around the ENTIRE apartment that say HALT. They actually say "don't get too.. Hungy,Angry,Lonley,Tired.
Well my mother is not doing so bad, she eats on time, and enough, I don't think she is lonely, anger is not her problem right now. She gets tired from time to time but knows enough to lay down. Me on the other hand. I need a keeper. I forget to eat, take my pills. I go from needing people around me to wanting no one around me, and I am kinda angry. Oh, and if you ask me when I am home if I am tired the answer is no, but when I have to do something, go out in the world, that is all it takes, and I am exhausted. Just the weight of having to go out and function with the stress and grief wears me out. I need a beeper to go off reminding me to eat, take my pills and sleep before midnight. I need to learn to HALT.


dm said...

How many of us are texting you now?

~Jess said...

Sometimes anger issues can be a good sign. It could indicate that you care enough (about whatever) to be angry. 'Cause being angry can be one of the most exhausting things of all, right?

JoAnna said...

I saw something today that said depression is anger without energy.

~Jess said...

That's actually a thought-provoking statement. I don't know if I agree with it, but it is interesting. One might consider depression to be the inability to gather energy for any purpose (due to non physical reasons) and anger/anxiety as the inability to direct gathered energy towards something useful.

So...kinda the same...well, I said 'kinda.'