Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Weather Permitting, Or Not.

Well, I didn't quite make it to class last night. I tried for about 2.5 hours but I only got as far as Lyndale and 494 and with only 30 minutes until class started I decided to call it a night. I pulled over, got some dinner, and started the 1.5 hour (should have taken 20 minutes) journey back home.
When I first signed up for the class I had some misgivings about driving all the way out to midway campus, but I pushed them aside, thinking I was eventually going to have to drive out there, take a class out there. Well not this semester. I dropped that class when I got home. Stupid traffic, stupid snow, stupid midway campus, stupid people in their stupid cars. Well I don't have to worry about it anymore. I now have a Monday class that meets at the blissful time of 1 o'clock in the afternoon! Why did I not think of taking a linguistics class sooner. Ah! Linguistics the answer to life's problems, or at least one of them (for today).

1 comment:

dm said...

linquistics is way nicer than a boring ole religion-y class anyway :)