Wednesday, January 28, 2009

losing yourself.

In the past two years I have lost about 75 pounds, and quite a few of my many self esteem issues that had been following me all my life. I still have enough issues left to sink a ship, but well, that's something for another post. The idea for this post has been going around in my head for quite awhile and it is time to just do it and get it over with.

This is me with my family about 3-4 years ago. So everyone I am friends with now knew me then in one way or another. This is a very uncomfortable person you see in this picture. (It was an awesome hair day though). P.S. I am the one on the left.

This, as I would hope you would all know, is me now. This was taken this past summer.

This picture was also taken this year. So, what have I learned by losing so much of myself (the weight)? I have learned why I eat. It is a comfort to me when things are bad, food is always there. I was raised that food means comfort, food means family, food means home. So when I was scared, my mom was sick, or I felt lonely I would find food comforting for awhile. I also learned that I felt trapped by the extra weight, I couldn't be the person that I wanted to be. If I had been overweight I would not have done half of the things I have done in the last two years because my weight was holding me back from experiencing life, and expressing the person I have wanted to be. The thought of once again becoming the girl who is at the top of the screen scares the bejeezes out of me, because I know how easy it is to gain, and how hard it is to lose. I have yet to reach my goal weight, about 30 more pounds and I will be there. Maybe I will go whitewater rafting when I reach it:)


dm said...

You've changed in a lot lot of other ways as well. You're fab. (always have been.

and I only have one chin in that bottom picture! ::allaboutme::

JoAnna said...

::allaboutyoustill:: I knew you would look at that:) I thought it was a great picture us.

and thanks:)