Sunday, March 29, 2009

Silly Fears=New Addiction

So I used to be scared of using for some reason I never really focused on, but I decided to get over it and order a messenger bag over Amazon a couple of weeks ago, it came quite fast in the mail..woohoo a package! Stuff, like a present! Then I decided I also wanted a second smaller bag, so back online I went and ordered a second one. Then I got another package. Another present! Now I fear I have a slight addiction. If you order it, it will come! Presents in the mail! Delivered right to your door! Gasp! This could be worse then gambling for me, a guaranteed return for my money, plus the excitement of STUFF!!!!!!!! This could be an issue people.


~Jess said...

Stay off ebay. Ebay is even more addicting.

JoAnna said...

Ebay scares me.