Saturday, March 7, 2009

Before we start I would just like to say that about an hour after I opened that package of markers from target I found the old ones...yeah. Great. We all knew that would happen.

So I realized today that I don't really have a favorite animal, and what does someone who has grown up in this day and age do when they realize they don't know something about themselves...that's right they look to the Internet to tell them. i didn't find my answer but I found this quiz about finding your spirit animal which was kinda fun so i thought I would share it as it took up some time and I got a cool answer!

You are a Wolf! (your score: 27)
Characters: Marek, Alanka, Kerza, and Kara in the Aspect of Crow trilogy and "Storm Reaper"; Lance in "The Wild's Call"

Powers: Stealth, hunting ability, enhanced senses of smell and hearing, as well as strength and stamina

"Family comes first" could be a Wolf's motto. You form deep connections with close friends and family members, and they know you'd do anything to protect them. You're loyal, devoted, and passionate. Your worst fear is being alone, but be careful not to drown your loved ones in too much emotion.

Best matches: Swans, Otters, Crows
Watch out for: Spiders, Owls, Foxes

But as to my favorite animals I would have to have a top ten list I guess- in not particular order...

1.Prairie Dogs -they make me laugh and when i go to the zoo i spend the most time looking at them
2.Penguins -who doesn't find them amusing!?
3.Pandas -they just rock, but people tend to think they are cute, and forget they are dangerous bears and climb over fences and end up getting attacked
4.Polar Bears -i wonder if I can come up with all P names!
5.Otters (guess not)
6.West Highland Terriers-and if we are talking dogs just large breed mutts also
7.Koalas-he is just so cute.
8.Tiger-beautiful when they are full grown-cute and playful when they are little.
9.Kangaroos-hippity hop-cant stop.
10. Wolves-not only are they beautiful, but their social structure is intricate and amazing. They are incredible animals.

What does your list look like?


dm said...

why do you care if you have a favorite animal? who thinks to themselves "What do I say if someone asks me my favorite animal? I'd better come up with an answer."

Methinks you're trying too hard to avoid your homework...

JoAnna said...

Hey we are on the path to self discovery here...very important


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