Monday, July 26, 2010

Devil Of A Car.

The other day was just kind of a mess. It was the Tuesday that my dad ended up in the hospital. I woke up with the whole day in front of me and nothing much to do except clean out my car (inside and out) hardcore. Then at about 730 am my mom comes rushing into my room with a horrible look on her face telling me that she needed help, dad had fallen again.
Thus started the trip to the hospital that lasted until about 130 I believe. You can read about that here.
After we got back home, I still felt I had plenty of time to clean out my car and shouldn't really waste the rest of the day. So, I changed clothes and took off to the closest Holiday station that had both a car wash and a vacuum. I was just about done vacuuming out my car (including the back-i have a wagon) and I had shut the doors and the back hatch when I heard all the locks repeatedly lock -click click click click click! Now, this had been happening on and off for a couple of weeks but never on it's own like this. It was always triggered by me pushing the button inside the car or hitting the button on my key fob. This time it went off and locked itself with my keys, purse, and phone inside of it!
After cursing at the car for a while, I went into the Holiday station and used their phone to call my mom to bring me my extra keys. After my mom stopped laughing at me...she looked around and couldn't find my keys. I told her to just come and get me and i would look for my keys at home. As soon as I got back in to the apartment I remembered where my extra keys were! They were in my PURSE! In my CAR! Not helpful. So then I had to call AAA (thanks Jess!). I called them and they asked me for my AAA member number! I told them it was in my PURSE! Which was in my CAR! They said that was okay and looked me up using my name and came 30 minutes later and unlocked my possessed car.
So, my chore that should not have taken very long took about 2 hours longer, but boy my car is clean.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Is It August Yet?

While all the other months of this year have flown by, the month of July has just kinda dragged. Now I am not complaining that my summer is taking a while to pass, but I have some cool stuff planned for August that I am excited for!
The first two weeks of my August are jam packed with zoo visits, family parties, friend parties, and more. Then the end of August brings a potential balloon ride (DON'T JINX IT!!), the fair (which I love), and unfortunately school, and maybe more Zoo! While July was not as bad as some of the first months of the year (DON'T JINX IT!!) I am still excited for the approach of August and all it has to hold. It will hopefully bring with it some cooler weather also.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

I Want One!

This is a German Short haired Pointer. I want one. They are so adorable. There is a lady that in line skates everyday on the same path that I walk, and she has a brown one and he is so happy about EVERYTHING:) He is so cute. He comes zoooooooming up and around you to say "hello!" with his big doggy grin.


Friday, July 16, 2010

Yes, I Went to IKEA Without You...

So, last weekend I woke up and decided I needed a desk. When I sit with my computer on my lap while I am in bed I always end up with a really sore neck. So, that morning I went on to the IKEA website and found a desk that had the dimensions that would fit in my room. Then by putting a desk in my room I had misplaced the bookcase of DVDs. So I needed to buy a more efficient bookcase to store some books and the DVDs. I set off to IKEA and came home with these. The first picture is of the area before-
Then this is the area with the new desk in it! Isn't it puurrdddy?!
Then to solve the homeless dvd and book problem we have the massively tall skinny bookshelf!

It has taken a little adjusting to get used to this shelf, sometimes i see it out of the corner of my eye, and because it it taller than me i think it is a person...Don't laugh;)

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Old Books vs. Library Books- According To Me

So the other day my friend was teasing me about not knowing what a library was (it was more involved than that, but would take too long for me to explain for the purposes of this blog). I told him, I don't like libraries too much, because people have read the books before me, putting all their germs and weird stuff on the books. It just kinds creeps me out. It comes down to too many people touching the book, reading it, dripping who knows what on it. I mean, who knows what that stain is on page 137? It looks like chocolate ice cream, or is it blood!? So, I just don't use my library card unless it is for research or something like that. However, not long after I stated my opinion about library books to my friend I got to thinking about old books. I like old books BECAUSE they have been owned and read by other people. They have a history to them that I enjoy holding in my hand, and being able to own and be a part of. Later someone else will own these old[er] books and I will have been a part of these books history. What can I say, another area where my reasoning makes no sense.

Sight Seeing.

I have always wanted to drive around the U.S. in a Motor home. Just take off, and drive around seeing all the sights in one extended road trip. I would see the East coast with Maine's Coast, Boston, New Jersey's Shore, up to New York, down to Philadelphia, Gettysburg, (hitting the places I have missed in between of course). Make my way west with Louisiana, Oklahoma,Texas, and up through Colorado. Head up into Wyoming and Montana, and across to Washington and Oregon, coming down through California, Nevada and New Mexico. When people talk about their dream honeymoon they talk about Paris, Italy, Greece, while I think about driving across the country and seeing the history and landmarks that I have heard about. That is what I would look forward too.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

It's THE Bag!

Sorry for the image quality, but I just bought this baaagg! I am excited! I have wanted one of these for awhile. It it a Timbuk2 messenger bag. I heart it! They usually run anywhere from about 75$ up to 130$ for some of the larger bags. I got an X-small bag as I am planning to use it more as a purse and it only cost 57$ on Amazon. Plus I got me some free shipping! Eeeeee! I am excited!!!

I was like, Woah...

This morning the weirdest thing happened. I had the song 'Glitter in the Air' by P!NK stuck in my head all morning while I was getting ready to go to work, no big deal right. Then I got in my car and turned on the radio, and it was PLAYING! I was a little weirded out and sat a little to long at a stop sign as I tried to figure out the chances of that happening. Then I gave up cause I really ceased caring about the mathematics of it and just thought it was kinda cool and proceeded to drive to work:)