Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Something I am OCD about

I don't really have anything that I can think of that I am OCD about. I have things that I have issues with, but not to the extent that I consider it OCD. The one obsession I do have is with hair. I hate hair that has been separated from its source. It makes me gag, hack, and flinch. I cant clean out my own hair from my own brush because I end up gagging, and the feel of it makes me shiver. Just the sound of it being pulled from the brush is enough to set me off. Wet hair is the worst, but I really hate hairs that suddenly appear on things and there is no discernible source to trace them to.
I believe that this phobia if you will, can be traced back to when I was about 4 or 5 and was eating some boxed mac and cheese and felt a hair in my mouth, however when I reached in to pull it out half of it had already gone down my throat so I had to pull it out of my throat, gagging the whole time. It was my hair. This would explain the gagging and the reason that even my own hair bothers me.


Zoey said...

Don't worry you are not alone

JoAnna said...

Good, I tell people that but they don't believe me!