Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Dream House

This is as close as I could come using just an image search. I call these houses gingerbread houses. I don't know why. I have always liked them, and I love all of the different greenery in the yard as well. This looks to be a house with character, and I like that. If I could have my dream house and lived in the city this would be it. I would also want a glass paneled door.
Yet, when i was growing up one of my friends lived in the coolest log cabin home. It was beautiful. Ever since then log cabins have always held my attention and awe. This one is considered a luxury version. I love the three different levels of walkout, and off to the left it has a patio with a huge chimney fire, this is right off of the kitchen for convenience. Of course my log cabin would have to be in the mountains. Where else could you properly place and enjoy a log cabin such as this one.

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