Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Too Much Junks

So we are moving, and we are moving to a smaller place. This is an excellent time to go through things and get rid of anything that we no longer want/need. However, as I put things into boxes and bags to head to the Goodwill it makes me wonder why I have kept these things as long as I have. Some are sentimental, some because i might someday need whatever the object was, and some i kept just because i had no real reason to get rid of it. Well now I do, so I am going through all of my things and wondering WHY?! Why I have held on to things I didn't even realize I owned, didn't remember I kept. Why, when we have moved so much over the years did I take the time to pack it every time, move it, unpack it only to forget about it before the next thime we moved only to repack it again?!
My parents are not the worst pack rats that I have ever seen, but my mother has sentimental attachments to things, keeps things that she doesn't know what they go to- because we might miraculously discover what it belongs to one day and need it, thus creating the whatnot drawer. My father is like a squirrel or a ferret, he has little places all over the house that he puts little pockets of his collections of stuff. You will open a drawer and there are all of his old eyes glasses, another drawer holds all his old belt buckles. Well not after we are through this time.
We have gone through the ceder chest, our linen closets, my parents closets and the storage room and we are on our third car load to the Goodwill.
Although we are only moving a little way away this might be the hardest move we have made to date as far as workload.


~Jess said...

Let me know if you need any help!!

ChicKris said...

You know I'm good for helping.

Also, I know EXACTLY what you mean! Going through those boxes was insane and there is still more to go through and get rid of. I just need someone to cut the "maybe I'll need it someday" and sentimental thoughts out of my mother is not good for that.