Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The Good old Days

Remember when you were little, in elementary school, and it was the last day of school? A certain feeling would come over you as you left school that day, a feeling that I have never felt since and I think only belongs to children in the years of youth before responsibilities, worry, and anxiety take over their lives. It was the feeling of freedom, because for the rest of the summer anything was possible. The world belonged to you and your friends for the summer and all you had to do was set out on your bike and discover new parts, pathways and adventures. There was no homework, no school buildings, or schedules to get in the way of the simple agenda of being a child during the summer. That was the best feeling, complete freedom to just be yourself with your friends and have three months to just be a child. It is a feeling I don't think that adults recapture enough, I don't think enough adults remember to play. They get too caught up in being adults and forget what it is like- not just what it is like to have fun, but what it was like to just enjoy life without thought, to just sit in the moment and enjoy.

I often find myself waiting..."oh i cant wait until this happens" "I cant wait until this day". Many times passing over weeks of my life, missing many enjoyable things in my rush to get to something that passes in the blink of an eye. My goal is to start enjoying smaller pieces of life, everyday so they don't pass me by, smaller moments as I am in them instead of after I have experienced them.


ChicKris said...

I remember that feeling. I think it died the moment I started college.

I like your goal though, it's a good one. :)

JoAnna said...

Well you held the feeling longer than me, I think mine died about around High School:)

Thomas said...

That sounds like an excellent plan.