Sunday, June 6, 2010

Survey Says!

-Do you recycle or don't really care?
I recycle when I remember too. We don't have the option in our apartment building or at work so if there is a place to leave a bottle where I am eating out I will but otherwise I don't.
-When or if you see a homeless person do you pass them by without a thought or do you wish you could help?
I wonder what their story is but I don't really have the means to help them right now.
-Have you ever tossed trash our your car window?
The worst thing I have tossed out my car window is an apple core or my gum.
-When you drive through a poor section of town, what do you think of the people?
They dress different than I do and tend to look much tougher (not that hard).
-Do you believe in anything? What?
Easter bunny
-How old are you?
-Male? Female?
-When you wake up in the morning what is the first thing on your mind?
"I hope it is not time to get up yet"
-What are you most thankful for?
Good friends and family
-Have you ever said or thought "that could never happen to me" and it did?
nope, when I win the lottery you will all know.
-Do you believe in reincarnation?
-Do you have a shoulder to cry on?
-Do you believe that what we do in this life will affect us in the next? (karma)
no, but I used to believe in karma during your life, now I am beginning to wonder.
-Is there one god or many?
I say One.
-Do you give to any charities? Why?
Yes, because everyone needs help every once and awhile.
-Do you think your parents did a good job?
They haven't complained lately, well about that anyway.
-What color are your eyes?
gray blue (really jealous cause my brother got beautiful bright blue eyes)
-Have you ever hurt someone out of spitefulness?
No, I am not too spiteful
-Is honesty always the best policy?
yep, learned that one the hard way
-Were you a friend or a bully in school?
-Does the world owe you or do you owe the world?
-Sunrise or sunset?
I could argue for both, depending on the setting and situation. They both have pleasant memories for me.
-Did you answer the questions on this survey honestly?
yeah, otherwise what would be the point.
-Complete.... If I were an animal I would be....
Furry. not scaly, or feathery. Something furry.
-Complete...If I were a color I would be...
Blue or Green
-Complete....If I could trade places with anyone I would trade places with....
No one I can think of...maybe my brother, i could live out of the house and he could take care of the 'rents for awhile.
-Complete...The one thing I want most for me and my family is....
Good health (yeah right), and some peace.
-What are you listening to?
My mom on the phone with the hospital talking to my dad's nurse.
-What's behind you?
A pillow and a wall in my room.
-Have you ever caught a snowflake on your tongue?
Sure, haven't all Minnesotan children?
-Have you ever laughed til you peed?
No, not that I remember. Maybe when I was in diapers.
-Have you ever swam in the ocean?
No, I don't swim in the ocean. I have been to the ocean, walked in the ocean, but there are too many strange things in the ocean for me to swim in it. Give me a nice pool.

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