Monday, July 27, 2009

Moving aches and pains.

So, we have almost made the whole switch from one apartment to the other, today will bring the last load I think. Yesterday was a whirlwind of moving, shifting, carrying, putting, cleaning, dusting off, and I am soooooo sore today! Even sleeping last night hurt. Today the agenda (heck the whole weeks agenda) is full of cleaning the old apartment from top to bottom. I hate cleaning apartments from move out. It is very satisfying when you are done but the whole process leaves me with a big ol "hey isn't it nap time!?" feeling. I am planning to head over there with a CD player, some good mixes, and a positive attitude as soon as I find one (the attitude, the cd's and player have been located).
Although this apartment is quite a bit smaller than the last apartment so far this one seems to be a little more homey-er. We have put more work into making this one more comfortable than any place we have lived in the last ten years because my parents have to spend so much time in the house now that they are both disabled. We also put a lot of thought into making this accessible as well as attractive and homey (my mother can not lift heavy objects or put her arms over her head, OR bend over). So far the worst thing is the lack of a laundry room (we now have a laundry closet) and that we went from two bathrooms down to one. :(

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